ACD Welcomes New Board Trustee, Swears in Returning Trustees, 和 Elects New Officers



十大网赌正规网址官网区 ACCESS Building Exterior

在周二的董事会上, 5月14日, 2024, the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 校董会 welcomed a new board trustee, swore in returning board trustees 和 elected new officers.

杰拉尔德B. Lopez is the 十大网赌正规网址官网区's newest Board Trustee 和 will serve 区 5. Lopez previously served as a board trustee for Northside Independent School 区. Lopez graduated from Holy Cross High School 和 Our Lady of the Lake University. He served as Chief of Staff for City Councilman Ray Lopez from 2009 until 2017. 洛佩兹是一个小企业主.

此外, 第6区受托人博士. 基因斯普拉格第七区受托人博士. 伊冯·卡茨 宣誓就任董事会成员. 两位受托人的任期都是6年.

第八地区受托人克林特·金斯伯里, who previously served as board vice chair, was elected board chair. 

第一地区受托人小乔. 现在是副主席. 第3地区保管委员Anna U. 法典 被选为秘书,然后呢 第2地区受托人葛洛丽亚。雷 被选为助理国务卿. 每名军官将服役两年.

Kingsbery is an Assistant Director of Testing 和 TSI at Texas A&M大学-圣安东尼奥. He previously taught mathematics for the Northside Independent School 区 和 served students at several schools for over 13 years. With his multiple years of experience in the educational field, Kingsbery underst和s the needs of students planning to attend college. His experience in the classroom has given him insight into how to motivate students 和 enable them to work toward greater achievements in their educational careers. 

Alderete is an intergovernmental affairs consultant who advises on various city, 县, 以及与国家有关的问题. A lifelong resident of 圣安东尼奥, he has served his community in multiple capacities for 38 years. He served on the 圣安东尼奥 City Council for eight years, 1977-1985, 和 has served on the boards of Catholic Charities, 圣安东尼奥河监察委员会, 西方基督教青年会, 假设神学院, 和 the San Fern和o Historic Civic Center Committee. 

法典 is a life-long resident of 圣安东尼奥 和 is a graduate of Southside High School. 法典 holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education 和 Music 和 a Master of Science in Educational Administration, 都来自德州A&M University-Kingsville. She has been an educator in the Southside ISD for the past 33 years 和 is currently a music teacher at Southside High School.

Ray retired from Kelly Air Force Base as a Senior Official after 27 years of service. She has since served her community as a volunteer on various governance boards at the city, 县, 在州一级.

The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 校董会 governs five independently accredited colleges: 帕洛阿尔托学院, 东北湖景学院, 西北维斯塔学院, St. 菲利普学院和圣安东尼奥学院. For more information on the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 Board Trustees, visit 阿拉莫.edu/about-us/leadership/board-of-trustees.


十大网赌正规网址官网区, high quality education 和 affordable costs provide exceptional value to students 和 alumni who are major contributors to the economy 和 culture of the community.